Financier: The European Commission
Agreement no VS/2006/0733
Project leader: ANCE Greece
Activities in Brief
1.1 Establish national networks for the promotion of low-cost, elderly-friendly sustainable tourism programs (“Over 55s without frontiers” networks)
1.2. Disseminate the idea, the mission and the activities of the networks within each participating country and in the European Union
1.3. Publish quarterly both electronic and hard-copy newsletters for the promotion of the activities of the “over 55s without frontiers” networks
2.1. Form a pool of elder trainers of the TraVeL AGEnts and prepare the training curricula
2.2. Prepare the trainers that will train the TraVeL AGEnts
3. Organise seminars in IT, English, booking and guiding
4.1. Publish an elderly-friendly travel guide for sustainable tours around Europe
4.2. Promote and disseminate the travel guide to the networks’ members and various stakeholders
5. Organise 10 test-travel cultural exchange elderly-friendly low-cost programs one in each participating country